It’s Strawberry Season! Time to Make Jam.

Traditional Strawberry Jam
2015-10-26 21:12:44

- Strawberry jam is one of the most popular preserves to make, especially when local fruit is in season. This recipe uses the long-boil method, with no added pectin.
- 6 cups crushed strawberries 1.5 L
- 3 tbsp lemon juice 45 mL
- 5 cups granulated sugar 1.25 L
- In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, combine strawberries and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Add sugar in a steady stream, stirring constantly. Bring to a full boil, stirring constantly to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to medium-high and boil rapidly, stirring often and reducing heat further as mixture thickens, for 20 to 22 minutes or until thickened. Test for setting point (see page 24). Remove from heat and skim off any foam. Stir for 5 to 8 minutes to prevent floating fruit.
- Ladle into sterilized jars to within 1⁄4 inch (0.5 cm) of rim; wipe rims. Apply prepared lids and rings; tighten rings just until fingertip-tight. Process jars in boiling water canner (see page 27) for 10 minutes. Transfer jars to a towel-lined surface and let rest at room temperature until set. Check seals; refrigerate any unsealed jars for up to 3 weeks. Makes about five 8-ounce (250 mL) jars.
- Tip: If you leave the lemon juice out of strawberry jam, it will not set — strawberries are not high enough in acid.
- Tip: If you leave the lemon juice out of strawberry jam, it will not set — strawberries are not high enough in acid.