Santorini-Style Fava Spread
This spread, which is Greek in origin, is unusual and particularly delicious. Although fava beans do figure in Greek cuisine, for most Greek people fava is synonymous with yellow split peas, one of the major indigenous foods of the island of Santorini. In Santorini, they make many dishes using yellow split peas, including this spread. Serve this with warm gluten?free flatbread, such as Yogurt Flatbread (page 62), plain brown rice crackers or celery sticks and wait for the compliments.
Caper-Studded Caponata
Caper-Studded Caponata
I find this version of caponata, which contains a sweet red pepper and capers, particularly delicious. Spread it on your favorite gluten-free crackers or flatbread, such as Yogurt Flatbread (page 62) or over thinly sliced cucumber or spears of Belgian endive, or that old stand-by, celery sticks.
Caramelized Apple Upside Down Spice Cake
Caramelized Apple Upside Down Spice Cake
This old-fashioned favorite has terrific caramelized apple flavor, not only from the apples but also from the apple butter in the cake batter. It’s great for a potluck or a party because people can help themselves from a warm slow cooker. A big scoop of vanilla ice cream is the perfect finish.
Madame Saint-Ange’s Peruvian Cream
Published in 1927, La bonne cuisine de Madame E. Saint-Ange, which contains over 1,000 recipes, became a bible of cooking for French housewives and inspired culinary superstars such as Julia Child. Here I have adapted her variation of pots de crème, which contains the delectable combination of chocolate, coffee, caramel and vanilla. Serve this with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream.
Serves 4 to 6
Down-Home Tomatoes with Okra
This is a great side dish. A particularly mouthwatering combination of flavors, it makes a perfect accompaniment to grilled meat, fish or seafood. Leftovers make a delicious filling for an omelet.
Serves 6
Many people dislike the intensely herbaceous flavor of this herb, but I use it often – usually in salsas that I serve with grilled fish or meat. Its pungent, almost citrusy flavor is a beautiful compliment to spicy ingredients, such as chiles. Cilantro belongs to the same horticultural family as parsley. It provides a smattering of vitamins and minerals but its real worth seems to lie in its antioxidant power and its valuable phytonutrients. Among its benefits, it is reputed to be helpful in removing toxic metals from the body and may help to prevent anemia.
Orange-Spiked Carrots Braised in Vermouth
I love the combination of flavors in this dish, which makes a great accompaniment to just about anything. Served glazed (see Variation, below), it is perfect for a special occasion meal.
Serves 6 to 8
Fennel Braised with Tomatoes
Here’s a perfectly luscious side dish that makes a great companion for grilled or roasted fish and meats or a splendid topping for hot whole grains such as wheat berries, barley or brown rice. The gratin variation, which adds a fancy finish and nice texture, is particularly attractive on a buffet table.
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